eClock FingerPrint

User Manual

eClock tag system

General Usage

Employees touch their tag/finger to the eClock receptor and get feedback from the directional indicator lamp.

Indicator modes
Mode Touch Tag Unit Fingerprint Unit
On-line and ready to clock Constant Green Flashing red - green - red
Tag accepted and clocked in 3 seconds red 3 seconds green
Tag accepted and clocked out 3 seconds flashing 3 seconds green flashing
Add new tag / finger print Slow flashing Steady red / green flashing
Test new finger (3 times) green flashing


The software is extremely intuitive, and should present no problem to anybody who has the pleasure of operating it. We suggest that you click the button most agreeable to you. For detailed context sensitive help, press the "F1" key.

Teething Problems
1 To edit an existing record, double click it.
2 To edit a text field that appears stuck, delete the spaces at the end.

Biometric eClock system

User Manual page 2
Fingerprint Recording Procedure

Classic eClock Tag system

Click Add

From the Employee window on the software on the computer, click the Add button.


The eClock will go into record mode. The red indicator lamp will shine steadily and green will flash. The employee should hold their finger flat on the unit. When their finger is detected both lamps will shine and they should continue to hold their finger on the unit for up to thirty seconds until either the red or green lamp shines steadily after which they may remove their finger.

Green - Success - test three times

The recording was successful and they may continue. The eClock will go into test mode during which the red lamp will remain off and the green lamp will flash. The employee must place his finger flat on the eClock. Both lamps will shine once the finger is detected, the employee should continue to hold his finger on the eClock until it responds with either red (fail) or green (success) after which he may remove his finger. The test needs to be completed successfully three times after which both lamps will remain off and the employees details may be entered on the computer.

Red - Failure - record again

If at any stage during recording or testing the finger recognition fails then the eClock will respond with a steady red lamp. Once the employee removes his finger, the eClock will return to record mode and the procedure reverts back to Record.

The eClock biometric system

Technical Manual

The classic eClock Tag system

Shift Settings

NoShift Number
DayDay of Week
StartStart Time
L-StLunch Start
L-EdLunch End
NMLNumber of Paid Normal Hours for the day
OT1Maximum Overtime 1 Hours for the day
OT2Maximum Overtime 2 Hours for the day
OT3Maximum Overtime 3 Hours for the day
MaxWarning level in hours worked on a day
No Day Start L-St L-Ed NML OT1 OT2 OT3 Max
1 SUN 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 99:59 00:00
MON 07:00 12:00 12:30 08:30 99:59 00:00 00:00 10:00
TUE 07:00 12:00 12:30 08:30 99:59 00:00 00:00 10:00
WED 07:00 12:00 12:30 08:30 99:59 00:00 00:00 10:00
THU 07:00 12:00 12:30 08:30 99:59 00:00 00:00 10:00
FRI 07:00 12:00 12:30 06:00 99:59 00:00 00:00 10:00
SAT 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 99:59 00:00 00:00

eClock FingerPrint

Technical Manual page 2

eClock tag system

General Parameters

Parameter Description
Auto Clock Out Enter an amount of time that would be very unusual between clocking in and clocking out the system automatically clocks an employee out after this period has expired.
Enter 0 to deactivate.
Clock In Period This is the amount of time an employee can clock in early before work which would NOT be considered as overtime. It prevents overtime being allocated for only a few minutes early arrival.
Clock Out Period This is the amount of time an employee can clock out late after work which would NOT be considered as overtime. It prevents overtime being allocated for only a few minutes late leaving.
Fill Nml time Must the employees work their full normal hours before getting overtime pay ?.
NT fill The amount of normal time that must be filled before overtime can be allocated. We recommend leaving this as zero to have it automatically calculated from the shift.
OT1 fill The maximum amount of overtime at the first overtime rate that can be worked before the second overtime rate is assumed - leave it as zero if this does not apply.
OT2 fill The maximum amount of overtime at the second overtime rate that can be worked before the third overtime rate is assumed - leave it as zero if this does not apply.
OT1 rate The rate for overtime 1 expressed as a multiplier of hours ie: time and a third would be expressed as 1.3333.
OT2 rate The rate for overtime 2 expressed as a multiplier of hours ie: time and a half would be expressed as 1.5.
OT3 rate The rate for overtime 3 expressed as a multiplier of hours ie: double time would be expressed as 2.0000
Decimal Format Should time-sheets show hours in decimal format,
ie: Should 8 and a half hours show as 8:30 (Standard), or 8,5(Decimal).

eClock biometric time and attendance system

Technical Manual page 3

eClock tag operated time and attendance system.

Payroll Link Ups

We provide link ups to the following payroll systems:

Accsys, dBit, Pastel, QED, Vip and almost every other payroll we have come across.

System Requirements

The eClock requires a host computer running MS Windows.

It is fully network-able.

Privacy Policy Biometric Access Control On-line Demonstration